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Hello & Welcome

My name is Toni Rightenburg,

I am the owner and CEO of T. Right Fitness LLC and T. Right Enterprises. I am a Transformation Coach who is certified as a Health and Wellness Coach, Personal Trainer, Fitness and Nutrition Specialist, Business Coach, and I have a Certificate in Patient Leadership. My mission is to help you become happier, healthier, and wealthier than you were yesterday – a transformation!

We support clients on their journeys; and specialize in the integration of the mental, physical, emotional wellbeing to increase capacity for awareness, mindfulness, and presence in their family, personal lives, professional lives, and external environments.

I have been fortunate to deliver informative, passionate, inspiring, and engaging speeches to audiences of over 1,000 people.  Please contact our information department if you are in need of a speaker.

So, What’s Your Journey?

  • I need a business coach.  Ww act as a professional mentor who will support educate and motivate individuals, the business owner or those who are responsible for the success of your organization. We will provide recommendations for your company’s vision, growth and goals. We will assess where you are professionally and personally. We are here to not only provide individuals with motivation, but also implement and prioritize strategies to help your businesses grow. By helping the individual achieve a higher state of performance, to cultivate stronger leadership qualities, learn how to build trust in a team, and to learn how to improve focus so that you can get things done more efficiently.


  • I need a health and wellness coach. When focusing on your health, will teach you about making lasting changes, exercising properly and eating healthily. Assist you with determining the problem areas, identify obstacles, and create a plan to achieve your health and wellness goals. During this change, we will keep you motivated and on-track to overcome your challenges. Our wellness approach is to support individuals physical and mental health by designing a personalized wellness plan that promotes healthy behaviors and prevents disease.  Assess individual health status, advises on health improvement strategies and coaching individuals on setting and achieving health goals


  • I need a fitness/personal coach.  We specialize with those with chronic illnesses, those that fall into the middle aged and older category (ages 45 and above per Wikipedia), and/or those with disabilities. We will design customized exercise programs for clients and provide guidance and motivation throughout their fitness journeys. Educate clients about proper nutrition and suggest lifestyle modifications to promote overall health. Conduct assessments to measure progress and track goals. Track fitness and performance goals over time. Set you up for a lifestyle change, not a quick fix or fad diet!

We provide personalized, one-on-one coaching. programs that run from a 1 month to a 3-month period with weekly access to me. Some of the areas that may be covered during our sessions:

  • Weight management
  • Fitness and Exercise
  • Stress Management
  • Gain greater confidence
  • Overall lifestyle improvement
  • Lifestyle support for chronic conditions such as arthritis, asthma, diabetes, fibromyoma and cardiovascular disease,
  • Build better relationships
  • Getting out of your own way
  • Professional growth
  • Accountably
  • Removing mental blocks
  • Providing constructive criticism


Why Choose Us?

My mission is quite simple, to help all the millions of “me’s” in the world that don’t have support, a voice, or understanding of what it’s like to be over forty, with chronic illnesses, but have big goals!

 So, who am I? I’m that person that has almost 20 medical diagnoses, which 12 have no cures. I am that person that the doctors told me to stay home and collect disability. I am that person who suffers every day from chronic illnesses who still powers through. I am that person who cannot follow the average exercise plan because my muscles no longer work the way they use to, I have a cage and Spinal Cord Stimulator Implant in my back and had a Total Knee Replacement. I am that person that has dozens of medical appointments each month and tired of meds. I am that person who has anxiety, trichotillomania, battles depression and OCD. I am that hormonal person because I had to have a total hysterectomy due to me fighting cancer twice. I am that person that flat lined three times and came back because it wasn’t my time.  Does any o that sound like you or someone you know? If so, you are in great company!

The reality is that there aren’t many professionals that personally deal with the medical, mental, and/or physical challenges that you may be going through, but I do. I can relate to having a trainer tell me to do a particular exercise and them not understanding why I can’t do it. Dude, my back is fused! It doesn’t bend that way anymore.  I get that you can’t due Intermediate Fasting because you must take meds in the morning that require you eat when taking them or you get sick. You my friends are not alone.

I know what it is like to be a single Mom and not have a free moment to yourself, eat unhealthy foods and be too tired to exercise. These are some reasons why I am so passionate about Health and Wellness! My mission is to get you to being 1% better each day. Because I’ve overcame those challenges, fought and still fight the battles every day and know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Together, we can transform your life into a better version of you!

While I may not truly understand the depth of your experiences, I’m here to offer support and companionship. Whether you need someone to listen, a distraction, or assistance with research or finding resources, I’m here for you. Please know that your story matters, and I’m honored that you’ve chosen to share it with me. How are you feeling today?

Follow me on ALL Social Media:

Facebook: Join my group! T. Right Wellness

Facebook Page: T. Right Fitness

Instagram: trightfitness

TikTok: trightfitness

Lemon8: T Right Fitness

FOLLOW ME #trightfitness


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